As we gear up for our production of OTHELLO, opening February 26 and running through March 15, 2015, our cast and creative team have decided to have some fun with the themes, characters and plot lines of this classic play. Believe us - William Shakespeare would have wanted it this way.
Iago’s Top 15 Netflix Queue
14. Cape Fear
13. The Dark Knight
12. Black Swan
11. The Good Son

10. Fight Club
9. Chinatown
8. Seven
7. American History X
6. No Country for Old Men
5. Fatal Attraction
4. The Usual Suspects
3. Silence of the Lambs
2. Primal Fear
1. Amadeus
Bonus: Top 5 TV Shows
Come see our modern-dress production of OTHELLO at The Seeing Place Theater February 26-March 15, 2015 (click for info)
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